Alligator sunning at swamp’s edgecurious raccoonsdeer on a foggy morningpair of Barred Owlsrain among pinesfoggy forest trailZebra SwallowtailAtala butterflyBuckeye butterflysunrisein the wake of a fireGreat-horned OwlBlack-bellied Whistling DucksScreech OwlAnhinga37 Roseate SpoonbillsSwallow-tailed KitesBarred Owl drying her wingsfishing Tri-colored HeronWhite Ibisesraccoon familydeer among Cabbage Palmssunning otterflooded hammock trailoak hammock trailsunrise through fogoak hammock portaltillandsia gardencypress forest in fogWood Stork swamp landingYellow-crowned Night Heronpine hammock in fogtwo deer on a foggy morningScarlet HibiscusAtala butterflyfour Roseate SpoonbillsZebra Longwingswamp near ImmokaleeKite sails over sawgrass marshswamp garden trailSnowy Egret over waterGreat-horned Owl in pine forestBarred Owl hunting from cypresspair of alligators in cypress swampalligator clambers into roadside canal